Stratholme and Scholomance, Piccolo of the Flaming Fire, Hearthsinger Forresten

After finishing Blackrock Depths I headed for Stratholme and then Scholomance, I was still grinding for Argent Dawn rep and finally hit exalted today. Now a great many of the mobs in both instances continue to grant rep right up to level 80 the grind really has speeded up, specially for any human charactors. The highest rep pay off is Baron Rivendare in Stratholme who gets you a total of 440 Argent Dawn rep (with the Human Diplomacy racial, 400 for all other races), you get 110 rep for the kill and another 330 if Rivendare's Argent dawn hostage survives. There is also a very slim chance that Baron Rivendares mount will drop. So many people have the Baron's horse now it isn't funny, I have grinded for it on three different characters and have never seen it drop once, yet a great many people seem to get it on their first Rivendare kill. The mini bosses in both Stratholme and Scholomance give 55 rep each (50 for all non human races). I am starting to suspect that the drop rate on the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire has been changed to make it harder to get. I killed the rare spawn Hearthsinger Forresten yet again today and still no drop. Got another kill on Skul and he dropped a Corrupter's Scourge stone and some nice blue gloves.


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