Grocklar, Level 74 Elite Northrend Rare Spawn, Grizzly Hills

Grocklar, Level 74 Elite Northrend Rare Spawn, Grizzly Hills. This was the first rare spawn I ever saw in Northrend, I had just crossed the border from Dragonblight into Grizzly Hills and I saw him moving through the woodland to my right. You'd think a Storm Giant would be pretty easy to get a picture of, they aren't exactly hard to see, but the screen shot below was the best picture I managed to get of it as it ran east, deeper into Grizzly Hills. I didn't even attempt to fight this one on my level 73 Druid, still mostly wearing level 70 welfare epics. I have been back and looked for him a number of times, but am yet to see it again.


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