Duggan Wildhammer, Level 55 Rare Spawn, Eastern Plaguelands

Even now, months after the release of Wrath of the Lich King and years after the release of The Burning Crusade, the Plaguelands are still my favourite zones in the game. Pretty much all of my favourite quest lines happen here. Tirion Fordring, Nathanos Blightcaller, Uther, The Light Bringer - epic story lines all. Does anybody out there know if High General Abbendis is still a level 59 elite rares spawn at Tyr's Hand, or has she been removed from the eastern Plaguelands now she can be found in New Hearthglen, Dragonblight? I know Tirion Fordring is still there, so I assume she can still be found at one of her spawn points in the crusader stronghold. She is well worth grinding for because she drops some pretty good blue items and some high number cards for some of the Darkmoon sets. Duggan Wildhammer, Level 55 Rare Spawn, Eastern Plaguelands. One of the famous Wildhammer clan, but not sure what his story is, he can be found on the southern border of the Eastern Plaguelands up behind the crypt where the zombie trolls are. Loot:Killed this guy a few times on different characters, always green quality items, never had any blues from him. On this occasion he dropped [Wanderer's Gloves of the Monkey].


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