Geolord Mottle, a Level 9 Rare Spawn that can be found at the Razormane Grounds in Durotar. Not sure if this one has many different spawn points.
Loot: 14 Copper, and a Pioneer's Cloak
Hearthsinger Forresten, a neutral Level 57 Elite rare spawn to be found in Stratholme, my favourite instance in the whole of World of Warcraft. Hearthsinger Forresten has at least two spawn points that I know of and can actually be very hard to see so be sure to have a good hunt around if you don't find him at his usual spot. This is the guy that drops the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire (the trinket that makes everybody near you dance) which has all kinds of hilarious/anoying uses. Whenever I get a character up to a high enough level to solo Stratholme comfortably, this is one of the many things I go in there to get. The horde seems to have far better quests for Stratholme than the Alliance do, which is a shame as I just got my Human Paladin to level 80 and have started the grind for Argent Dawn rep and the Baron Rivendare's Deathcharger Mount. Apart from the Icecrown daily quests, Stratholme is my favourite place to grind for gold, (not to mention the tons of Runecloth for re...
Nerubian Overseer, Level 60 Elite Rare Spawn, Terroweb Tunnel, Eastern Plaguelands. This rare spawn patrols up and down the Terrorweb Tunnel and also ventures into the town at the eastern entrance of the tunnel. Killing this mob nets you 10 Argent dawn rep (I'm sure it used to give 50, but maybe it still does if you kill it at a lower level) and a few [Crypt Fiend Parts] for hand ins at Light's Hope Chapel. Frequently drops grey vendor trash and occasional greens. Like Deathspeaker Selendre, because of the low populations on the older servers, this particular rare spawn will be there pretty much 100% time. Nobody goes through Terrorweb anymore.
Goraluk Anvilcrack, Blackhand Legion Armorsmith , a level 61 Elite Rare Spawn to be found in Upper Blackrock Spire. Drops some very nice blue items, including Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I . Even with my mediocre gear, at level 80 these guys are very easy, the only problem is that they love to run off and aggro other packs, very easy for my paladin to deal with, but it can slow you down a lot. Shortly after I snapped this I went on to solo the false Warchief Rend Blackhand, a ?? level raid boss. Dropped some blues but no epics. Loot: Forgot to snapshot the loot this guy drops, a good excuse to go back. The old world instances and raids are so much fun at level 80!
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