Goraluk Anvilcrack, Level 61 Elite Rare Spawn, Upper Blackrock Spire

Goraluk Anvilcrack, Blackhand Legion Armorsmith, a level 61 Elite Rare Spawn to be found in Upper Blackrock Spire. Drops some very nice blue items, including Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I. Even with my mediocre gear, at level 80 these guys are very easy, the only problem is that they love to run off and aggro other packs, very easy for my paladin to deal with, but it can slow you down a lot. Shortly after I snapped this I went on to solo the false Warchief Rend Blackhand, a ?? level raid boss. Dropped some blues but no epics. Loot: Forgot to snapshot the loot this guy drops, a good excuse to go back. The old world instances and raids are so much fun at level 80!


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