Voidhunter Yar, Level 68 Rare Spawn, Spirit Fields, Nagrand. Got Him Again!

In between grinding for Mag'har rep, I've been helping the lowbies get the group quests done in Nagrand. We spotted Voidhunter Yar whilst circling around the giant diamond looking for Durn the Hungerer, and again Yar was on the southern side of the crystal just patrolling around. Since the realease of Lich King, every time I've looked for Voidhunter Yar he has been there. I know some of you are trying to figure out spawn times etc. but I am afraid I have no clue what triggers this mob to spawn or whether it is just on a timer. Loot: A very nice blue leather spell belt [Voidhide Cord of the Hierophant] level 66.


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