Warder Stilgiss, Level 54 Elite Rare Spawn, Blackrock Depths

Took my newly level 80 Human Paladin for a full run through Blackrock Depths to complete the obvious quests, got the key and attuned to Molten Core, and of course, to get the achievement. This was a really nice break and change of pace from the seemingly never ending Icecrown, Hodir and Argent Tournament daily quests. Made a lot of gold from vendoring the greens and blues, not to mention the stacks of free Runecloth for the rep hand ins. On todays run I found two rare spawns standing right next to each other - Warder Stilgiss a level 54 Elite Rare Spawn, found in the same room as Verek (The Black Vault, Blackrock Depths). See the screen shots below for loot.


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