Doomsayer Jurim & Ever-Core The Punisher, Outland Rare Spawns

Now that everyone is fighting the Lich King's undead army in Northrend, Outland and Azerothian rare spawns are so much easier to find. I am currently levelling a Blood Elf Warlock so I have been grinding quests through a largely deserted Outland. The first rare spawn I managed to get was Doomsayer Jurim, he is a level 64 non-elite but was still a pretty tough fight. He patrols the roads around Terrokar Forest, even venturing right up to Shattrath. He dropped money, water, cloth and the blue quality [Grim Slippers of the Whale], a pretty nice pair of boots for clothies. The second rare spawn was Ever-Core The Punisher, a level 68 non-elite that patrols the roads around Manaforge Ultris in Netherstorm. Like Doomsayer Jurim, despite being non-elite, is still a tougher than average fight. He dropped the blue quality [Arcane Loop of Agility] and some other junk.


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